NBI 20th Anniversary Windswept Bog Wetland Restoration Bioblitz 10.2.24
Windswept Bog

NBI 20th Anniversary Windswept Bog Wetland Restoration Bioblitz
This event is part of the Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative’s 20th anniversary celebration week. Join the Nantucket Conservation Foundation’s staff Ecologists to find, identify and record as many plant and animal species as possible at NCF’s recently restored Windswept Bog. Phase 1 of this wetland restoration project (15 of 40 total acres of former cranberry bog) was completed in March 2024, and many new species have been establishing in the restored wetland habitat since then. You are invited to explore the property with our ecology team, utilize the iNaturalist and/or eBird apps to record your sightings, and contribute to documenting how this former bog is transitioning into a naturally functioning wetland.

Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

(RSVP required)
(RSVP required)